Invest in Continuous Learning – Oh the Places You’ll Go!

Sep 26 / Vivienne Bezuidenhout

Dr Seuss famously said, “The more you read, the more you’ll know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go”. We tend to agree with this wisdom.

The only way to keep up with the staggering pace of change in our modern world is to be constantly learning, growing, and adapting (the very essence of ‘agile’, in project management speak). Without challenging ourselves and learning more, we run the risk of becoming redundant or irrelevant in an industry that has moved on.

Lean into learning

A learning culture is one in which individuals take responsibility for their own training and growth, which generally aligns with the objectives of the business. This is significant because extensive research proves that companies with a systemic culture of continuous growth and self-improvement are demonstrating enhanced capabilities to adapt, innovate, undergo transformative shifts, and deliver globally competitive products and services. 

RUM and coax 

In this age of exponential growth and digital transformation, reskilling, upskilling, and multiskilling (or RUMing) have become part of change strategies as indispensable tools for learning on-the-go. Employees are expected to adapt to changing job requirements, while taking on more responsibility, and diversifying their skills. They need to be equipped with eLearning and micro-learning opportunities to develop – both professionally and personally – to coax versatility into the workforce and future-proof the company.  

Micro-learning for maximum benefit 

Companies are turning to curated eLearning and micro-learning courses on Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) to offer their people democratised learning opportunities. These platforms offer personalised, interactive, and engaging learning experiences. LXPs leverage technologies such as AI and machine learning to tailor content to individual needs and preferences. They create a sense of autonomy and ownership over learning, allowing employees to choose their learning paths and set their own pace. This level of customisation not only enhances the quality of learning but also empowers employees to take control of their professional growth. 

How to lead a learning culture 

As a leader, your active involvement and support will inspire and motivate your people to become lifelong learners – contributing to their personal growth and the company’s collective success. Consider these tips to lead the way: 

  • Continuously seek opportunities for learning and professional development, and share your own learning experiences, challenges, and successes 

  • Recognise and celebrate the achievements of individuals and teams who actively engage in learning and apply their knowledge in their day-to-day roles 

  • Create platforms for employees to share insights, best practices, and lessons learned

  • Encourage cross-functional learning and facilitate mentorship opportunities 

  • Regularly recognise and celebrate milestones in employee learning journeys. This could include organising events, sharing success stories, or creating internal communication channels dedicated to highlighting and celebrating learners. 

Investing in holistic development 

Fortunately, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to investing in the continuous learning and development of your people. Consider a comprehensive approach with a mix of strategies: 

  • Mentorship and coaching: Encourage senior employees to mentor and coach their peers and teams. This knowledge transfer nurtures a culture of continuous learning and promotes a sense of community within the company.

  • Diversification: Rotate employees through different roles and departments to expose them to diverse experiences. This not only helps with multiskilling but also prevents stagnation and burnout.

  • Cross-functional projects: Encourage employees to collaborate on cross-functional projects. This exposes them to different perspectives and skills, facilitating both upskilling and multiskilling.

  • Feedback and recognition: Giving regular feedback and recognition of learning achievements is essential. Positive reinforcement motivates employees to keep pushing their boundaries.

  • Leadership development: Invest in leadership development programmes to identify and nurture future leaders within the organisation. This not only ensures a robust talent pipeline but also demonstrates commitment to employee growth.

Pack your bags, you’ve got places to go! 

Reskilling, upskilling, and multiskilling are not only strategies for adapting to change; they are the foundation of a thriving employee experience. By investing in continuous learning and development throughout the employee journey, leaders are empowering their people to grow and succeed. The benefits are mutual. Employees gain new skills, expand their horizons, and feel more engaged and valued; while companies are better positioned for competitive advantage, and improved employee experience and retention.  

Contact us to find out more about our LXP solution and eLearning/micro-learning courses.

Torque is an Employee Experience Agency. We partner with our clients to build fantastic employee experiences from hire to retire. People rely on us to walk the Torque with them, sharing our expert advice, industry insights, and proven methodologies. The outcome: an engaged workforce and a thriving organisation poised for success.