Understanding Bias
It's time to up your game and we're not biased about how. Or maybe we are.
Relationships are important, whether at work or personal. I think we can all agree on that.
Bias more than just a buzz word, it affects how you see the world and the world sees you.
In 20 minutes or less, you will: Know what bias is and the different types Know what words not to use in conversation Understand bias in daily life Have a strategy to deal with bias AND you will have raised funding to provide education to young South Africans. That sounds like an effective use of time to us.
In 20 minutes or less, you will: Know what bias is and the different types Know what words not to use in conversation Understand bias in daily life Have a strategy to deal with bias AND you will have raised funding to provide education to young South Africans. That sounds like an effective use of time to us.
311 learners
Enrolled -
20 minutes
Course duration